Data Science Training in tnager

ACTE provides the best Data Science in Tnagar. ACTE Data Science course contents are structured based on the latest trends including statistics, hypothesis testing, data mining, clustering, decision trees, linear and logistic regression, data wrangling, data visualization, regression, Hadoop, Spark, PROC SQL, SAS Macros, recommendation engine, supervised, and unsupervised learning and more. ACTE Data Science Trainers are working professionals in a related field with proven experience and knowledge.

Batch Schedule

Weekdays Regular (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session

  • 09-Dec-2024 Starts Coming Monday ( Monday - Friday) 08:00 AM (IST)
  • 04-Dec-2024 Starts Coming Wednesday ( Monday - Friday) 10:00 AM (IST)

Weekend Regular (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session

  • 07-Dec-2024 Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday) 10:00 AM (IST)

Weekend Fast-track (Class 6Hrs - 7Hrs) / Per Session

  • 08-Dec-2024 Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday) 10:00 AM (IST)

Data Science Training in tnager

Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining, deep learning and big data. ACTE offer best Data science Training in T.Nagar, Chennai by certified professionals as per industry standards.

There is a growing need for someone who can manage their repository of information. One should also take into account the salary benefit after taking the ACTE’s best Data science Training in T.Nagar, Chennai over other IT jobs. Those who possess experience in a specific type of database management are preferred over others. ACTE, which is one of the Top Data science Training in T.Nagar, Chennai gives in-depth training in Data science concepts and prepares the candidate for the interview.

In Data science Training in T.Nagar, Chennai trainers are certified professionals with 7+ years of experience in their respective domain as well as they are currently working with Top MNCs. Trainers also help candidates to get placed in their respective company by Employee Referral / Internal Hiring process. ACTE trainer will be handled in either weekday or weekends programme depends on candidate requirement. We do offers for Data science Training at T.Nagar,Chennai. In pan India we have 25 Branches especially in Chennai ACTE institute have 7 Branches. Every topic will be covered in mostly practical way with real time examples. We provide 200+ technologies with a modern syllabus.

Any individual who wants to kick start their career can take up Data science Training in T.Nagar, Chennai as we provide training from the basics. Those who enrol in ACTE’s Data science Training in T.Nagar, Chennai are supplied with their own student login and learning material whilst also being supplied with resume preparation, model interviews, technical interviews and employment on the technology. They are also supplied with International recognized certificate from ACTE's tie up with The national institute of education (NIE) in Singapore. The candidates are sent for interviews until placed. Contact us now for free demo class.

  • Classroom Batch Training
  • One To One Training
  • Online Training
  • Customized Training

Key Features

ACTE Tnagar offers Data Science Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,
  • 40 Hours Course Duration
  • 100% Job Oriented Training
  • Industry Expert Faculties
  • Free Demo Class Available
  • Completed 500+ Batches
  • Certification Guidance

Authorized Partners

ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS .


Data Science Course Syllabus at Tnagar , Chennai   Module 1: Introduction to Data Science with R  
  • What is Data Science, significance of Data Science in today’s digitally-driven world, applications of Data Science, lifecycle of Data Science, components of the Data Science lifecycle, introduction to big data and Hadoop, introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning, introduction to R programming and R Studio.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Installation of R Studio, implementing simple mathematical operations and logic using R operators, loops, if statements and switch cases.
Module 2: Data Exploration  
  • Introduction to data exploration, importing and exporting data to/from external sources, what is data exploratory analysis, data importing, dataframes, working with dataframes, accessing individual elements, vectors and factors, operators, in-built functions, conditional, looping statements and user-defined functions, matrix, list and array.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Accessing individual elements of customer churn data, modifying and extracting the results from the dataset using user-defined functions in R.
Module 3: Data Manipulation
  • Need for Data Manipulation, Introduction to dplyr package, Selecting one or more columns with select() function, Filtering out records on the basis of a condition with filter() function, Adding new columns with the mutate() function, Sampling & Counting with sample_n(), sample_frac() & count() functions, Getting summarized results with the summarise() function, Combining different functions with the pipe operator, Implementing sql like operations with sqldf.
  • Hands-on Exercise - Implementing dplyr to perform various operations for abstracting over how data is manipulated and stored.
Module 4: Data Visualization  
  • Introduction to visualization, Different types of graphs, Introduction to grammar of graphics & ggplot2 package, Understanding categorical distribution with geom_bar() function, understanding numerical distribution with geom_hist() function, building frequency polygons with geom_freqpoly(), making a scatter-plot with geom_pont() function, multivariate analysis with geom_boxplot, univariate Analysis with Bar-plot, histogram and Density Plot, multivariate distribution, Bar-plots for categorical variables using geom_bar(), adding themes with the theme() layer, visualization with plotly package & building web applications with shinyR, frequency-plots with geom_freqpoly(), multivariate distribution with scatter-plots and smooth lines, continuous vs categorical with box-plots, subgrouping the plots, working with co-ordinates and themes to make the graphs more presentable, Intro to plotly & various plots, visualization with ggvis package, geographic visualization with ggmap(), building web applications with shinyR.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Creating data visualization to understand the customer churn ratio using charts using ggplot2, Plotly for importing and analyzing data into grids. You will visualize tenure, monthly charges, total charges and other individual columns by using the scatter plot.
Module 5: Introduction to Statistics  
  • Why do we need Statistics?, Categories of Statistics, Statistical Terminologies,Types of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Spread, Correlation & Covariance,Standardization & Normalization,Probability & Types of Probability, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Square testing, ANOVA, normal distribution, binary distribution.
  • Hands-on Exercise -– Building a statistical analysis model that uses quantifications, representations, experimental data for gathering, reviewing, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data.
Module 6: Machine Learning  
  • Introduction to Machine Learning, introduction to Linear Regression, predictive modeling with Linear Regression, simple Linear and multiple Linear Regression, concepts and formulas, assumptions and residual diagnostics in Linear Regression, building simple linear model, predicting results and finding p-value, introduction to logistic regression, comparing linear regression and logistics regression, bivariate & multi-variate logistic regression, confusion matrix & accuracy of model, threshold evaluation with ROCR, Linear Regression concepts and detailed formulas, various assumptions of Linear Regression,residuals, qqnorm(), qqline(), understanding the fit of the model, building simple linear model, predicting results and finding p-value, understanding the summary results with Null Hypothesis, p-value & F-statistic, building linear models with multiple independent variables.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Modeling the relationship within the data using linear predictor functions. Implementing Linear & Logistics Regression in R by building model with ‘tenure’ as dependent variable and multiple independent variables.
Module 7: Logistic Regression
  • Introduction to Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression Concepts, Linear vs Logistic regression, math behind Logistic Regression, detailed formulas, logit function and odds, Bi-variate logistic Regression, Poisson Regression, building simple “binomial” model and predicting result, confusion matrix and Accuracy, true positive rate, false positive rate, and confusion matrix for evaluating built model, threshold evaluation with ROCR, finding the right threshold by building the ROC plot, cross validation & multivariate logistic regression, building logistic models with multiple independent variables, real-life applications of Logistic Regression.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Implementing predictive analytics by describing the data and explaining the relationship between one dependent binary variable and one or more binary variables. You will use glm() to build a model and use ‘Churn’ as the dependent variable.
Module 8: Decision Trees & Random Forest  
  • What is classification and different classification techniques, introduction to Decision Tree, algorithm for decision tree induction, building a decision tree in R, creating a perfect Decision Tree, Confusion Matrix, Regression trees vs Classification trees, introduction to ensemble of trees and bagging, Random Forest concept, implementing Random Forest in R, what is Naive Bayes, Computing Probabilities, Impurity Function – Entropy, understand the concept of information gain for right split of node, Impurity Function – Information gain, understand the concept of Gini index for right split of node, Impurity Function – Gini index, understand the concept of Entropy for right split of node, overfitting & pruning, pre-pruning, post-pruning, cost-complexity pruning, pruning decision tree and predicting values, find the right no of trees and evaluate performance metrics.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Implementing Random Forest for both regression and classification problems. You will build a tree, prune it by using ‘churn’ as the dependent variable and build a Random Forest with the right number of trees, using ROCR for performance metrics.
Module 9: Unsupervised learning  
  • What is Clustering & it’s Use Cases, what is K-means Clustering, what is Canopy Clustering, what is Hierarchical Clustering, introduction to Unsupervised Learning, feature extraction & clustering algorithms, k-means clustering algorithm, Theoretical aspects of k-means, and k-means process flow, K-means in R, implementing K-means on the data-set and finding the right no. of clusters using Scree-plot, hierarchical clustering & Dendogram, understand Hierarchical clustering, implement it in R and have a look at Dendograms, Principal Component Analysis, explanation of Principal Component Analysis in detail, PCA in R, implementing PCA in R.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Deploying unsupervised learning with R to achieve clustering and dimensionality reduction, K-means clustering for visualizing and interpreting results for the customer churn data.
Module 10: Association Rule Mining & Recommendation Engine  
  • Introduction to association rule Mining & Market Basket Analysis, measures of Association Rule Mining: Support, Confidence, Lift, Apriori algorithm & implementing it in R, Introduction to Recommendation Engine, user-based collaborative filtering & Item-Based Collaborative Filtering, implementing Recommendation Engine in R, user-Based and item-Based, Recommendation Use-cases.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Deploying association analysis as a rule-based machine learning method, identifying strong rules discovered in databases with measures based on interesting discoveries.
Module 11: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (self paced)  
  • Introducing Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, what is an Artificial Neural Network, TensorFlow – computational framework for building AI models, fundamentals of building ANN using TensorFlow, working with TensorFlow in R.
Module 12: Time Series Analysis (self paced)
  • What is Time Series, techniques and applications, components of Time Series, moving average, smoothing techniques, exponential smoothing, univariate time series models, multivariate time series analysis, Arima model, Time Series in R, sentiment analysis in R (Twitter sentiment analysis), text analysis.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Analyzing time series data, sequence of measurements that follow a non-random order to identify the nature of phenomenon and to forecast the future values in the series.
Module 13: Support Vector Machine - (SVM) (self paced)
  • Introduction to Support Vector Machine (SVM), Data classification using SVM, SVM Algorithms using Separable and Inseparable cases, Linear SVM for identifying margin hyperplane.
Module 14: Naïve Bayes (self paced)  
  • What is Bayes theorem, What is Naïve Bayes Classifier, Classification Workflow, How Naive Bayes classifier works, Classifier building in Scikit-learn, building a probabilistic classification model using Naïve Bayes, Zero Probability Problem.
Module 15: Text Mining (self paced)  
  • Introduction to concepts of Text Mining, Text Mining use cases, understanding and manipulating text with ‘tm’ & ‘stringR’, Text Mining Algorithms, Quantification of Text, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), After TF-IDF.
Module 16: Case Study   The Market Basket Analysis (MBA) case study  
  • This case study is associated with the modeling technique of Market Basket Analysis where you will learn about loading of data, various techniques for plotting the items and running the algorithms. It includes finding out what are the items that go hand in hand and hence can be clubbed together. This is used for various real world scenarios like a supermarket shopping cart and so on.
Logistic Regression Case Study  
  • In this case study you will get a detailed understanding of the advertisement spends of a company that will help to drive more sales. You will deploy logistic regression to forecast the future trends, detect patterns, uncover insights and more all through the power of R programming. Due to this the future advertisement spends can be decided and optimized for higher revenues.
Multiple Regression Case Study
  • You will understand how to compare the miles per gallon (MPG) of a car based on the various parameters. You will deploy multiple regression and note down the MPG for car make, model, speed, load conditions, etc. It includes the model building, model diagnostic, checking the ROC curve, among other things.
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) case study  
  • You will work with various data sets in R, deploy data exploration methodologies, build scalable models, predict the outcome with highest precision, diagnose the model that you have created with various real world data, check the ROC curve and more.


ACTE Tnagar offers placement opportunities as add-on to every student / professional who completed our classroom or online training. Some of our students are working in these companies listed below.
  • We are associated with top organizations like HCL, Wipro, Dell, Accenture, Google, CTS, TCS; IBM etc. It make us capable to place our students in top MNCs across the globe
  • We have separate student’s portals for placement, here you will get all the interview schedules and we notify you through Emails.
  • After completion of 70% Datascience training course content, we will arrange the interview calls to students & prepare them to F2F interaction
  • Datascience Trainers assist students in developing their resume matching the current industry needs
  • We have a dedicated Placement support team wing that assist students in securing placement according to their requirements
  • We will schedule Mock Exams and Mock Interviews to find out the GAP in Candidate Knowledge


Our ACTE Chennai Reviews are listed here. Reviews of our students who completed their training with us and left their reviews in public portals and our primary website of ACTE & Video Reviews.

Velachery Reviews



1 day ago Excellent teaching skills, good faculties, vicky Sir way of teaching is awesome and easy to understand the concepts, real time examples are more relevant, location of institution is good. This is the right place to learn Data science course in ACTE.


2 days ago I had such a great experience in ACTE institute it's not just one side teaching there's a lot of two way interaction and I got to learn so much with real time scenarios. The teachers here are so friendly we can get to attend classes very flexibly.I have completed the Data science course in this institude @ velachery


4 days ago Before joining the course,i was literally confused whether go or not to go for this course, as i am from non-IT background. To overcome my confusion,i contacted Vicky Sir. He gave me some overview about how the course will go about. He built confidence in me and lit that spark of hope in my mind. Now, i'm pretty satisfied with the Data science course in ACTE Velachery.


4 days ago I am very impressed with the tutors knowledge about the subject and the way lectures are delivered with such indepth details. The method in which lectures are designed covering all the basic contents lays a very good foundation to the student making the journey from Associate to Expert very much easy. management members are too much cooperative and supportive. The experience was very good to get trained by a well experienced Trainer and the LAB facility that provided by ACTE T Nagar


5 days ago To be frank, the teaching from trainers was too good as he made complex things very easy to understand in a simpler manner and also the assignments which was given and also made to be executed in the class, is more than enough to learn Data science course in month. I would be glad to refer anyone for ACTE at Velachery.

Tambaram Reviews



1 day ago ACTE is a good institute to build your carrier if your miss the training I mean your expected way or your dream goals is the better option to rebuild your carrier in IT. Vicky sir is the best trainer for Data science course. I suggest this institute is best if your planning to build your carrier in Data science.


2 days ago To be frank, the teaching from trainers was too good as he made complex things very easy to understand in a simpler manner and also the assignments which was given and also made to be executed in the class, is more than enough to learn Data science course in month. I would be glad to refer anyone for ACTE Tambaram.


4 days ago Hi...ACTE is one of best institution to learn Data science course.we can get more knowledge and teaching quality is very good..trainers are well experienced and classes are very interactive and they explain with real time examples...


5 days ago "I had visited few institute and spoken to many institutes before I joined ACTE technologies in Tambaram. I must say I was not disappointed with my decision. The trainers were very committed towards conducting classes on time and made sure that students understood the Data science subject. Trainers were prepared to take backup classes for people who could not make it to the regular class hours. Most importantly they were not in a hurry to finish batches


5 days ago Had a great experience with ACTE institude. I am very thankful to Vicky sir for the way of teaching Data science concepts, clearing doubts and providing strong foundation for the basics. Great place to learn new things from the scratch with recordings available for later use.

OMR Reviews



1 day ago This ACTE institude @ omr was an amazing experience and vicky sir is really good in explaining each topic briefly.What i really like about this training, is an end to end exposure for whole process in step-wise manner.Plus clear notes with recorded session really make it lot easier for any student to go back and refer the topic of Data science.


3 days ago I joined in ACTE omr for Data science course here without any basic knowledge on Data science i can say this is the Best ACTE training institute in chennai. Here the trainers provide you complete knowledge on each course with Real- time scenarios, project, case studies, Interview questions and all possible ways to make you a successful Professional.


3 days ago Thank you very much for your great support in ACTE trainers in omr. The way of teaching is very good, he explains all the topics by giving real time examples and give real time logic to work in the tool. Most importantly very flexible with the session timings.


4 days ago ACTE institude is the best institute in the city .Teaching is excellent thanks to Vicky sir who explained us concepts very well and teached us basic Data science excellent..I recommend u please to join the institute without any doubt in mind .This is best u can get more knowledge.

anu ruksha

5 days ago I'm 100% satisfied with the theoretical and practical classes.The trainers explained each and every bit of details; like how Data science process a job/transformations. I'll recommend ACTE institute, if someone like to learn Data science.I have attended both online and offline class.

Annanagar Reviews



1 day ago I joined in ACTE @ Anna nagar for Data science course here without any basic knowledge on Data science i can say this is the Best ACTE training institute in chennai. Here the trainers provide you complete knowledge on each course with Real- time scenarios, project, case studies, Interview questions and all possible ways to make you a successful Professional


3 days ago It's one of the best institution is ACTE for freshers to learn Data science course and one who wanted to improve their technical skills...very good teaching faculty and friendly environment at Anna nagar


3 days ago Very friendly trainer, Vicky sir provides informative session and explains Data science concepts in a very simple manner each and every time. Most importantly very flexible with the session timings. Would definitely recommend others to ACTE institude.


5 days ago The concepts are explained with a lot of clarity, Plenty of notes are provided for each and every topic in a manner that is easy to understand. The trainers are very knowledgeable and approachable. I am currently going through the Data science course and I highly recommend in this ACTE institute Anna nagar.


5 days ago practical applications with real time examples,which is the best part!! The ACTE teaching is not only focused on theoretical knowledge but also about Each and every concept is demonstrated in class practically and they also provide us few very important interview questions based on Data science course.

Porur Reviews



1 day ago Excellent Training! I attended the Data science training from ACTE Porur. Vicky sir well experienced and has great teaching skills. The whole training was well planned and organized. I gained a lot of confidence to attend interviews after the training.


1 days ago I had joined ACTE @ Porur 2 months back for Data science, Vicky sir teaches really well, he makes the session really interactive and he explains topics with real time scenarios which helps us to understand each transformation in detail and the implementation becomes simpler. He has in-depth knowledge of the subject.


3 days ago An individual who is sincerely interested in acquiring the knowledge on real-time Data science, then a visit to ACTE institute is a must. Training is provided based on current real time requirements in the corporate world.


5 days ago One of good better best teaching center is ACTE and they provide 100% support to get placement in Data science and the training method is excellent by giving assignment, conducting test and solving errors there is Bright future for ACTE joiners only thanks to ACTE for giving that kind of support grown up my career special thanks to Vicky sir.


5 days ago ACTE Technologies Provides excellent job oriented training. Since I come from a non-computer science background I have learned lot of things and upgraded my knowledge... Its best place to excel your career growth aspirations.. I completed Data science course in ACTE Porur chennai.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • ACTE basically offers the Classroom training and online instructor-led training. Apart from that, we also provide corporate training for enterprises. We believe in practical learning. Our training mode is majorly practical and has proven to benefit our candidates. We help our candidates by assisting them to work on real time projects that would aid them improve their skill sets and would enhance their ability not just from an exam perspective but also from a working point of view.
  • Career progression opportunities for individuals who become Data Science developers are excellent.
  • Keep in mind that the role of a developer covers more than just coding
  • Development is an integral part of each stage of the engineering process so there are excellent opportunities to learn on the job
  • Data Science is found in every technology eg., laptops, gaming consoles, mobile phones, etc. This gives you an understanding of Data Science’s importance in software development..
  • ACTE has designed a comprehensive Full Stack Data Science Developer track. Through this program, learners who complete it will gain access to guaranteed full-time job offers with hiring partner companies through collaboration with
  • The course curriculum and subsequent assessment have been designed by industry experts for a set of target audiences. The core purpose of this training is to enable candidates to learn the concepts of Full Stack Data Science Development and gain the skill set to advance an existing career or kick start a new endeavor.
  • Yes, you get two kinds of discounts. They are group discount and referral discount. Group discount is offered when you join as a group, and referral discount is offered when you are referred from someone who has already enrolled in our training
  • we assure you a full-time job with a minimum 5 LPA CTC. To ensure that you achieve this goal, we will provide you with:
  • Soft Skills and Interview Preparation Sessions.
  • Mock Interviews.
  • Profile Enhancement.
  • Interview Preparation.
  • Onboarding on the HIRIST portal with spot light.
  • Pro-membership on for 6 months.
  • Access to Job Fairs.
  • Mentoring session with an industry expert.
  • Yes We Provide Lifetime Access for Student’s Portal Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question.
  • Add value to your profile with our Industry-Endorsed Certification.
  • The course completion certificate from SLA has been a channel for our students who are placed in top companies such as.
  • All of our highly qualified trainers are industry experts with at least 10-12 years of relevant teaching experience. Each of them has gone through a rigorous selection process that includes profile screening, technical evaluation, and a training demo before they are certified to train for us. We also ensure that only those trainers with a high alumni rating remain on our faculty for data science online training.
  • You will receive ACTE globally recognized course completion certification Along with National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore
  • You will never lose any lecture. You can choose either of the two options:
  • View the class presentation and recordings that are available for online viewing through the LMS.
  • You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch. Please note, access to the course material will be available for lifetime once you have enrolled into the course.
  • Instructor-led online training with continuous remote assistance with the real-time project practices.
  • One-on-one live practice to the required students with the assurance of successful course completion.
  • Our Learning Management System includes MCQs, live lectures, and Placement preparations.
  • Obtain the enterprise-ready skills even as fast-track mode at SLA on the top trending IT Courses in Chennai.
  • Interactive learning experiences to ensure individual attention with complete hands-on exposure.
  • Smart Classroom equipped with updated software to offer job-ready skills to perform well in the industries.
  • Extensive learning support Packed with 25+ case studies and 5+ real-time projects guidance.
  • Get ahead with industry-approved certification training in our Best Data Science Training Institute in Chennai
  • Customized end-to-end technology training without affecting your actual works.
  • Flexible class timing and personalized curriculum to meet exact corporate expectations.
  • Improve your team’s talent to enhance the organization’s business value and revenue.
  • Not just a regular classroom but a perfect blend of theory and practicals for all Courses.
  • ACTE is offering the 24/7 query resolution and you can raise your doubts with the dedicated support team anytime. You can also avail the email support for all your queries. One-to-one sessions with the trainers is also available for doubt clarification. Another benefit of ACTE is you can ask for support even after completion of the training. We also do not put a limit for students to raise doubt when it comes to query resolution and doubt clearance.
  • To undergo our Data Science training, there are not many prerequisites. However, candidates should have the basic knowledge of computers and programming techniques. Depending on the level of the course, they may also need to have some specific skills like the exposure to any generation programming language. A few programs may require candidates to have completed another Data Science certification program or have some knowledge of Data Science. Candidates should check the exact prerequisite before pursuing a course.
  • The trainer will give Server Access to the course seekers, and we make sure you acquire practical hands-on training by providing you with every utility that is needed for your understanding of the course.
  • We at ACTE believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Data Science Training batch to 5 or 6 members.
  • Weekend Training Batch (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
  • Regular Batch (Morning, Afternoon & Evening)
  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
  • Fast Track Batch
  • Seats Available : 5 (maximum)
  • Online Training (Flexible timing)
  • Seats Available : One to One (or) 3 (maximum)
  • There are nearly 9 million Data Science developers in the world, and they earn a median salary of $83,975.00
  • 95% of enterprises use Data Science for programming in some form or another
  • Data Science runs on more than 1 billion smartphones since Google’s Android OS uses Data Science Training APIs
  • ACTE is a provider of a variety of IT training programs and courses. We also offer specialized training on programming in core Data Science, which includes the courses given below. Learners can take up a suitable Data Science course according to their existing knowledge of programming, as well as their skills and interests.
  • You can contact our support number at +91 93800 99996 / Directly can do by's E-commerce payment system Login or directly walk-in to one of the ACTE branches in India.

Trainers Profile

Datascience Trainers are
  • Our Datascience Training in Tnagar, Chennai. Trainers are certified professionals with 7+ years of experience in their respective domain as well as they are currently working with Top MNCs.
  • As all Trainers are Datascience domain working professionals so they are having many live projects, trainers will use these projects during training sessions.
  • All our Trainers are working with companies such as Cognizant, Dell, Infosys, IBM, L&T InfoTech, TCS, HCL Technologies, etc.
  • Trainers are also help candidates to get placed in their respective company by Employee Referral / Internal Hiring process.
  • Our trainers are industry-experts and subject specialists who have mastered on running applications providing Best Datascience training to the students.
  • We have received various prestigious awards for Datascience Training in Tnagar, Chennai from recognized IT organizations.

Top Reason

  • We are a unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS & National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore.
  • Datascience Training in Tnagar, Chennai is designed according to the current IT industry
  • We offer the best Datascience Training in Tnagar, Chennai, covering all course modules during Datascience Classes. In addition, students take Datascience Courses in Tnagar, Chennai through job assistance
  • The Datascience Training in Tnagar, Chennai is scheduled on weekdays, weekends and online Training . In addition, students can choose a customized schedule according to requirements
  • ACTE has got a collaboration 500+ MNCs and MLCs from the industry, that helps the trainees during their placement.
  • Our team of instructors are industry experts with more than ten years of training experience.
  • Mentors train Datascience Training in Tnagar, Chennai not only to assist students in implementing live projects, but also to hold a preparatory session for the interview along with community outreach.
  • The ultra-modern I.T laboratory is equipped with the latest infrastructure. Our laboratory is open 365 days a year. Students, at their discretion, may use the lab to complete projects and practice technical tasks
  • Our classrooms are equipped with a state-of-the-art I.T infrastructure, such as projectors, racks, Wi-Fi
  • We offer our students a room with a glass door and a discussion area (conference room) to enhance their learning and learning skills
  • We also organize valuable seminars on personal development and presentation skills
  • Our educational material includes ACTE’s student portal access to get the updated course materials, books and copies of didactic material in the form of PDF files, sample documents, Training videos, technical interviews and projects.
  • Students attending the Datascience Training in Tnagar, Chennai may also be located near hostels for their convenience
  • We help students, at no cost, study, teaching materials, copies of PDF files, video training, sample questions for appropriate certification and interview questions, and lab guides that are available on our site for quick access and also life time access of student portal for course materials in all format
  • Practical oriented domain specifically training is provided, to suit the needs of the industry Being a corporate training institute, at ACTE, training is provided at its corporate facility having state-of-the-art infrastructure
  • Trainees at ACTE are provided with unlimited interview calls, untill the time they are placed.
  • Add on training modules cover soft skills, communication skills, interview based training etc., to ensure the overall development of the trainees.
  • Our trainers pay you individual attention.To improve students' knowledge of complex technical concepts are passed on through simple trainingWe also Provide Internship for fresher’s with certification. Our certificates are recognized worldwide after the course ends
  • We accept Master and Visa cards (debit and credit) as well as cash, checks and internet access in payment mode
  • Office Address

    ACTE Branches in Chennai are listed here. And most popular locations where students / professionals are lining up to get trained with us.
    ACTE Velachery No 1A, Sai Adhithya Building, Taramani Link Road, Velachery. Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600042 Landmark: Velachery Main Bus Stand & Next to Athipathi Hospital 93833 99991 / 93800 99996
    ACTE Tambaram No : 31, Alagesan Street, West Tambaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600045 Landmark: (Backside Tambaram Main Bus Stand & Near Railway Station) 98407 55991 / 95141 99997 / 93613 80760
    ACTE OMR No 5/337, 2nd Floor, Vinayaga Avenue, Oggiyamduraipakkam, OMR, Near Cognizant & Oggiyamduraipakkam Bus Stop, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600097 95661 05791 / 95661 05795
    ACTE Porur No 100/5, 1st Floor, Mount poonamalle Trunk Road, Lakshmi Nagar, Porur, Chennai - 600 116 Landmark: (Next to Saravana Store & Opposite to Porur Water Tank) 91509 10602 / 91509 10603 / 93800 99996
    ACTE Anna Nagar53-K, 1st Floor, W-Block, 4th Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040 Landmark: (Opp to: Kandasamy College / Roundana) 90928 55551 / 90927 99991 / 93613 49873
    ACTE T. Nagar,No.136, Habibullah Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600 017 90928 55551 / 93800 99996 / 90927 99991
    ACTE AdyarNo.59, Second Street, Padmanabha Nagar, Adyar,Chennai - 600 020 91509 10602 / 93833 99991 / 93800 99996
    ACTE Thiruvanmiyur 81, Lattice Bridge Road,(Kalki Krishnamoorthy Salai) Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai,Tamil Nadu 600041 Landmark - Opposite to Jeyanthi Theatre 93833 99991 / 93800 99996
    ACTE Maraimalai NagarNo.37, 1st Floor, No. 51, Thiruvalluvar Salai,NH-1, Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai - 603209 98407 55991 / 95141 99997 / 93613 80760
    ACTE Siruseri No. 851, Sathya Dev Avenue Extn Street, OMR Road, Egatoor, Navallur, Siruseri Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600130 93833 99991 / 93800 99996
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    Branch Locations

    ACTE Branches in Chennai are listed below and most popular locations where students / professionals are in just few Kilometers away from below mentioned locations lining up to get Data Science Training with us.
    • Data Science Training in T.Nagar
    • Data Science Training in Nungambakkam
    • Data Science Training in Tambaram
    • Data Science Training in Anna Nagar
    • Data Science Training in Triplicane
    • Data Science Training in Adyar
    • Data Science Training in Mylapore
    • Data Science Training in Thiruvanmiyur
    • Data Science Training in Porur
    • Data Science Training in Kodambakkam
    • Data Science Training in OMR
    • Data Science Training in Guindy
    • Data Science Training in Siruseri
    • Data Science Training in Royapettah
    • Data Science Training in Nandanam
    • Data Science Training in Velachery
    • Data Science Training in Vadapalani
    • Data Science Training in Maraimalai Nagar