We provide the Web Testing course with Selenium, the participants learn to work with Selenium Web Driver and Selenium IDE with which web applications in different browsers can be controlled automatically. Using scripts in programming languages such as Java, C #, Python and Ruby, the results of certain actions can be compared with the expected results and the results can be reported. Since the original Selenium IDE in FireFox, this is no longer done with a Selenium IDE in Chrome. The recorded test is translated into a JUnit test script in Java or another programming language that then automatically performs the test. At the end of this ACTE Selenium Training Institutes in Trichy have a good overview of the different Software development disciplines, the techniques that are used, and the pitfalls you have to watch out for the associated best practices.
Selenium Training in Trichy
Batch Schedule
Weekdays Regular (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
17-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Monday ( Monday - Friday) 08:00 AM (IST)
19-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Wednesday ( Monday - Friday) 10:00 AM (IST)
Weekend Regular (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session
22-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday) 10:00 AM (IST)
Weekend Fast-track (Class 6Hrs - 7Hrs) / Per Session
23-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday) 10:00 AM (IST)
Selenium Training in Trichy
ACTE Training institute in Trichy have unique methodology of training encourages the learners to have stress free experience of learning selenium Training in Trichy. We know this is very important for you to achieve your goals and fulfill your dream. We teach only in small groups of students at once, that way we will give the student more attention on their progress in this course and identify the areas required more practice and focus.
Selenium is combination of classes, interfaces, and framework that is developed to automate the browser. It simply executes java scripts on the browser it handles writing code using javascript does not have relations and just in time compiler. selenium will provide a library in different language like java, python and c# others. ACTE Selenium Training Institute in Trichy with placements, We provide the complete practical sessions for each and every student. so join Java Selenium Training in ACTE Training Institute for your career growth
The training that is provided by ACTE is exclusively given by experts that are employed by various MNC’s. We provide and promote practical learning as it would be more effective and would help the candidates in the long run. The Selenium Course at Trichy has various advantage over the rest. Selenium IDE is a finished coordinated improvement condition (IDE) for Selenium tests. It is executed as a Firefox Add-On and as a Chrome Extension. It considers recording, altering and troubleshooting of useful tests. It was recently known as Selenium Recorder.
Classroom Batch Training
One To One Training
Online Training
Customized Training
Key Features
ACTE Trichy offers Selenium Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,- 40 Hours Course Duration
- 100% Job Oriented Training
- Industry Expert Faculties
- Free Demo Class Available
- Completed 500+ Batches
- Certification Guidance
Authorized Partners
ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS .Curriculam
Selenium Course Syllabus at Trichy- What is automation testing
- Difference between Manual & Automation lesting.
- When to go for Automation
- Advantages of Automation
- Licensed Automation Tools
- OpenSource Automation Tools
- Overview of Selenium
- Different Selenium Components(Selenium.IDE, WebDriver, Selenium GRID)
- Differences between Selenium and other Tools
- Installation of Java
- Installation Eclipse IDE
- How to create new java project
- How to create a new java class
- Compiling and Running java class
- Analyzing the results of java program
- Introduction to Java programming
- Primitive and Non-Primitive Data types
- Operators in Java
- Wrapper Classes
- lypes of Variable (Local, Instance and Static Variables)
- If else condition
- Nested If Else Condition
- Switch case statement
- Examples for all the above conditions
- While loop
- Do while
- For loop.
- For each loop
- Examples for all the above loops
- What is an Array?
- Type of Arrays
- Working with Single Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Copying Arrays with Clone() and arraycopy()
- What are Packages
- How to create Classes .Objects and Object References
- Working with Constructors
- Using Methods(instance,static)
- Access Modifiers (private, default, protected and public)
- Method arguments call by value and call by reference
- How to write user defined methods
- How to define Interface
- How to implement Interface
- How to define Abstract Class
- Abstract method vs. Concrete method
- Interface vs. Abstract class vs. Concrete Class
- Implements vs. extends
- What is Inheritance and Why to use Inheritance?
- Single Level Inheritance, Multi-Level Inheritance, Multiple Inheritances (Through Interface)
- super keyword
- this keyword
- Composition / Aggregation
- Inheritance (Is a Relationship) vs.composition (Has a Relationship)
- What is polymorphism?
- Compile time Polymorphism
- Method overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Runtime Polymorphism
- Method Overriding
- final keyword
- What are exceptions and errors?
- Checked Exception or Compile time Exception
- Unchecked Exception or Runtime Exception
- How to handle exceptions in the program!
- Using try and catch blocks
- Using of throw
- Using of throws
- Overview of Collections API
- Arrays vs Collections
- List, Set, Map interfaces
- Using ArrayList Class
- Working with elements of a Collection
- Examples for all the above concepts
- How to configure MySQL database
- How to configure with Eclipse
- Connection Interface Commands
- Statement Interface Commands
- ResultSet Interface Commands
- How to execute query
- Understanding Debug
- Using Breakpoints.
- Verify the values during debug
- Using step over, step into
- Features and Limitations of Selenium Webdriver
- Configure Selenium with Eclipse IDE(Adding selenium Libraries)
- Configure Selenium with Chrome,
- Firefox Driver, IE, Safari, Operabrowsers
- WebDriver Interface
- ChromeDriver, FirefoxDriver, InternetExplorer Driver,Edge Driver classes
- Browser Commands
- Navigation Commands
- Handling Cookies
- Object Identification
- findElement and findElements
- Different types of Locators
- Xpath,relativeXpath,AbsoluteXpath,cssSelector
- How to build dynamic Xpath
- Identifying Objects using Xpath and cssSelectors
- How to use Regular Expressions in Xpath and CssSelectors
- How to configure ChroPath •Html Tags and DOM structure
- Handling TextField and Text Area
- Handling Checkbox’s
- Handling RadioButtons
- Handling Links and Buttons
- WebElement Interface methods
- Handling dropdowns/listboxesi
- Select Class methods
- Working with Dynamic Web Table Elements
- Extracting data from WebTable’s
- Custom methods for WebTable’s
- Select date from calendar
- Handling alerts
- Alert interface methods
- Handling Frames /IFrames
- Handling Nested Frarnes
- How to handle multiple browsers or Tabs
- TargetLocator interface methods
- Mouse Events
- Click, doubleClick, contectClick, dragAndDrop, clickAndHold,release
- Keyboard Events
- How to scroll page
- Capture screenshot
- How to execute JavaScript
- How to use implicitWait, pageLoad T imeout, setScript Timeout
- How to use ExplicitWait
- How to implement WebDriverWait
- What are different ExpectedConditions and how to use
- How to implement FluentWait
- Headless browsers
- Handling Notifications
- Handling Auto Suggestions
- Highlight objects
- Scroll into view
- How to find broken links
- Different Selenium Exceptions
- Capture screenshot of entire page
- Configure Sikuli with Selenium
- File Upload/Download with Sikuli
- Configure Auto It with Selenium
- File Upload/Download with Auto IT
- File Upload/Download with Robot
- Configure Apache POI with Eclipse.
- Workbook, Sheet Row ,Cell Interfaces methods
- HSSFWorkbook, HSSFSheet, HSSFRow, HSSFCell methods
- XSSFWorkbook, XSSFSheet, XSSFRow, XSSFCell methods
- How to read data from Excel file(XLS or XLSX)
- How to write data to Excel file(XLS or XLSX)
- TestNGFeatures
- Configure TestNG with Eclipse
- TestNG Annotations
- Integrate Selenium Scripts with TestNG
- Create TestNG.xml file
- Assert methods
- Hard Assert vs. Soft Assert
- Cross browser testing
- How to use DataProvider
- Reporting Results
- Listeners
- Sequential Execution vs. Parallel Execution
- How to create batch file
- Extended Reports
- What is maven
- Installing Maven in Local Machine
- Creating Maven project in Eclipse
- Understanding of POM .xml
- Maven Integration with TestNG
- Maven Lifecycle
- Executing Scripts Using Maven build tool
- Advantages Maven Build Tool
- Overview of Jenkins
- Installing Jenkins
- Configure Maven project in Jenkins
- Configure Non Maven project in lenkins
- Creating Jobs in Jenkins
- Scheduling lobs for timely Execution
- Integration with Selenium Scripts and Running Scripts
- Configure Email notification in Jenkins
- Overview of Selenium Grid
- Remote WebDriver and Desired Capabilities class
- Configuring Hub
- Configuring Node
- Running scripts on Remote system
- Run Selenium scripts in parallel on Remote system
- How to create GitHub Account.
- Configure Git and GitHub with Eclipse
- Git & GitHub Commands
- Integrate with Framework
- Overview of BDD and Cucumber
- How to install and setup Cucumber with Eclipse
- Overview of Gherkin keywords
- How to create Feature file
- How to generate Step Definition file
- How to integrate Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver.
- JUnit Test Runner Class
- Data Driven esting in Cucumber.
- Configure Cucumber with Maven and Jenkins
- How generate Reports in Cucumber
- Download and Install Katalon Studio
- Configuring Katalon Studio for Web Applications
- How to create TestCase and TestSuite
- How to create Object Repository
- Create Automation Script using Record and Playback, Manual Mode, Script Mode
- How to integrate with other environments
- Introduction to Mobile Automation &Appium
- Installation of Android SDK on Windows OS
- Installation of Appium on Windows OS
- Configure Appium Client libraries
- Configuration of Environment variables
- How to use UIAutomator Viewer
- How to use Appium Inspector
- Different types of Locators
- Mobile Web App Automation
- Native App Automation
- Hybrid App Automation
- Configuring & executing scripts on Emulator and Real Device
ACTE Trichy offers placement opportunities as add-on to every student / professional who completed our classroom or online training. Some of our students are working in these companies listed below.- We are associated with top organizations like HCL, Wipro, Dell, Accenture, Google, CTS, TCS; IBM etc. It make us capable to place our students in top MNCs across the globe
- We have separate student’s portals for placement, here you will get all the interview schedules and we notify you through Emails.
- After completion of 70% Selenium training course content, we will arrange the interview calls to students & prepare them to F2F interaction
- Selenium Trainers assist students in developing their resume matching the current industry needs
- We have a dedicated Placement support team wing that assist students in securing placement according to their requirements
- We will schedule Mock Exams and Mock Interviews to find out the GAP in Candidate Knowledge
Our ACTE Chennai Reviews are listed here. Reviews of our students who completed their training with us and left their reviews in public portals and our primary website of ACTE & Video Reviews.Velachery Reviews
1 day ago So Far it has been a good Training Video and kudo's to the instructor. Anyone with no knowledge on Selenium can use this as their starting point for Web Based Automation world.AArjun
3 days ago Its amazing courseware.. I thoroughly enjoyed contents and refer in my group to go through the course to learn from nothing to lots...ACTE team Thanks alot @ Velachery.VVeerabagu
3 days ago The way of teaching is really excellent any one can understand easily event the person who are not from the coding background,I have learnt how to do code optimization and new updates tool.RRajesh
4 days ago Best course of Selenium that covered so many topics related to testing and test management. Keep it up the good work Rahul sir.AAathi
5 days ago Good explanation and useful information for driving a good test framework in ACTE. To continue developing automation test technology, you can create another course in term of screenplay pattern which is also applied to automation now a days.Tambaram Reviews
1 day ago Indepth explanation.Finding it useful. I see this course to be one stop solution to selenium, appium, frameworks,DB testing .No other course provides this sort of patient explanation. Would like to appreciate the instructor's passion towards teaching the concepts under 1 course. Reason for saying so is, many commercial people would split this course length into 5 to 6 parts and make money.RRobert
3 days ago This is the only course you are going to need to get started with Selenium automation with Java. It is thorough and extensively covers not only automation but the other vital aspects to be a complete automation tester, including Frameworks, CI/CD and APIs.PPriya
3 days ago Just beyond my expectation. An amazing course with in depth explanation. Whether you are a beginner or experienced in Automation just blindly go with this course in ACTE @Tambaram.DDivya
4 days ago The best part of this course i found that the instructor "Rohith" is very active. When you get stuck, don't worry just put your query and it will be solved with the most genuine solution within 12 hours , which means a lot............ :)AAakash
5 days ago Topics are very well explained.And i could feel the expertise level that Rahul has achieved in Selenium automation work. Really appreciate Tambaram ACTE.OMR Reviews
1 day ago Perfect and very detailed overview for Beginners like me to get an Overall idea about Selenium Automation and SoftwareDDeva
3 days ago Really dedicated Teaching from ACTE trainers at Omr!! very clearly anyone can understand the concepts even though you are beginner .SSunaina
3 days ago Clear approach and neatly explained in each and every video.RRuba
4 days ago Very helpful for beginners like me.Checking x-path in console makes coding easy.Great work and keep going ACTE in Omr.VVikram
5 days ago I'm a manual tester with minimal knowledge of Selenium, so had obvious concerns that this course might be too complicated for a beginner. I'm currently about 70% through the software testing part of the course and I find it brilliantly explained in great detail (exactly what I needed). I'm looking forward to getting to the webdriver content. Highly recommended course for manual testers looking to get into automation.Annanagar Reviews
1 day ago Anna Nagar ACTE gives a lot of useful information that is very well presented! And a great instructor who is always ready to help and answer all the questions!RRamsharath
1 day ago First Lecture created the last impression of learning Selenium in an organized way.. Feeling so good.A lot of useful information that is very well presented! And a great instructor who is always ready to help and answer all the questions in Selenium!NNaveen
2 days ago I really liked the way Mr. Rahul Arora explains Selenium. The course is very well planned and neatly explained. It is just perfect for those who have no idea what selenium is the part of software testing. He seems really experienced and hence explains Selenium (in this course) from base level. Just loved the course.VVenkat
3 days ago So Far it has been a good Training Video and kudo's to the instructor. Anyone with no knowledge on Selenium can use this as their starting point for Web Based Automation world.VVishnu
5 days ago The way of teaching is really excellent in ACTE Anna Nagar any one can understand easily event the person who are not from the coding background,I have learnt how to do code optimization and new updates tool.Porur Reviews
1 day ago Good explanation and useful information for driving a good test framework.To continue developing automation test technology, you can create another course in term of screenplay pattern which is also applied to automation nowadays.ONirmala
3 days ago The Selenium Training provided in ACTE is very lively and helpful. The training team were very supportive, Also attended their webex sessions which was helpful in clarification of my doubts. They also guided how to face the interview - Kudos to the TeamSSharath
3 days ago The best part of this course i found that the instructor "Rahul" is very active. When you get stuck, don't worry just put your query and it will be solved with the most genuine solution within 12 hours , which means a lot............ :)SSuriya
4 days ago Perfect and very detailed overview for Beginners like me to get an Overall idea about Selenium Automation and software testing.Thanks ACTE in Porur.BBino
5 days ago I'm a manual tester with minimal knowledge of selenium, so had obvious concerns that this course might be too complicated for a beginner. I'm currently about 70% through the software part of the course and I find it brilliantly explained in great detail (exactly what I needed). I'm looking forward to getting to the webdriver content. Highly recommended course for manual testers looking to get into automation ACTE in Porur.
Frequently Asked Questions
- ACTE basically offers the Classroom training and online instructor-led training. Apart from that, we also provide corporate training for enterprises. We believe in practical learning. Our training mode is majorly practical and has proven to benefit our candidates. We help our candidates by assisting them to work on real time projects that would aid them improve their skill sets and would enhance their ability not just from an exam perspective but also from a working point of view.
- We provide our candidates with real time projects that are utilized by many Multi National organizations at the present. These projects will increase the candidates' knowledge on the subject, such that after the completion of the course the candidate would possess knowledge equivalent to that of a professional in that field with an experience of over 1 year.
- Weekend Training Batch (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
- Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
- Regular Batch (Morning, Afternoon & Evening)
- Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
- Fast Track Batch
- Seats Available : 5 (maximum)
- Online Training (Flexible timing)
- Seats Available : One to One (or) 3 (maximum)
- Prerequisites to Learn Selenium. 2) Automated Testing / Test Automation, No prior knowledge is required to learn Manual Testing, Computer Operating knowledge, Thinking, Reasoning and Documentation knowledge are enough to conduct Manual Testing.
- Before learning the concepts of Selenium, you should have a basic understanding of java or any other object-oriented programming language. Languages supported by Selenium include C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby. Currently, Selenium Webdriver is most popular with Java and C#.
- After completion of the Selenium course, you will have a bright opportunity in the field of Mobile testing, Big Data, and API testing. Nowadays, Selenium Test Engineers, Automation Engineer, Software tester are getting a much higher salary package in India.
- Learn selenium by ACTE. We provide 200+ technologies with a modern syllabus. ACTE Institute at Trichy with the MNC' s people as a Trainer, for training and after completion of the course providing 100 % placement.
- We are conveniently located in several areas around Trichy and other parts of Tamilnadu. If you are staying or looking training in any of these areas, Please connect with our career advisors to discover your closest branch.
- Our trainers are more than 10+ years of experience in course relevant technologies. Trainers are expert level and fully up-to-date in the subjects they teach because they continue to spend time working on real-world industry applications. Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their industries. Are working professionals working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies, etc. Trained more than 2000+ students in a year. Strong theoretical & practical knowledge. Are certified professionals with high grade. Are well connected with hiring HRs in multinational companies.
- You need a skill set that includes selenium testing. Without selenium testing skills or any other skill, likely, that may not be given preference. So the average selenium salary in India is around 1,950,000 per annum. The salary range of selenium professionals falls between 1,000,000 per annum to 4,200,000 per annum.Jun 25, 2020
- You will receive ACTE globally recognized course completion certification.
- Very competitive and affordable. To get more details, visit our website and contact our support team via Call, Email, Live Chat option or drop a Quick Enquiry. Depending on the group size, we offer discounts as per the terms and conditions.
Trainers Profile
Selenium Trainers are- Our Selenium Training in Trichy. Trainers are certified professionals with 7+ years of experience in their respective domain as well as they are currently working with Top MNCs.
- As all Trainers are Selenium domain working professionals so they are having many live projects, trainers will use these projects during training sessions.
- All our Trainers are working with companies such as Cognizant, Dell, Infosys, IBM, L&T InfoTech, TCS, HCL Technologies, etc.
- Trainers are also help candidates to get placed in their respective company by Employee Referral / Internal Hiring process.
- Our trainers are industry-experts and subject specialists who have mastered on running applications providing Best Selenium training to the students.
- We have received various prestigious awards for Selenium Training in Trichy from recognized IT organizations.
Top Reason
- We are a unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS .
- selenium Training in Trichy is designed according to the current IT industry
- We offer the best selenium Training in Trichy, covering all course modules during selenium Classes. In addition, students take selenium Courses in Trichy through job assistance
- The selenium Training in Trichy is scheduled on weekdays, weekends and online Training . In addition, students can choose a customized schedule according to requirements
- ACTE has got a collaboration 500+ MNCs and MLCs from the industry, that helps the trainees during their placement.
- Our team of instructors are industry experts with more than ten years of training experience.
- Mentors train selenium Training in Trichy not only to assist students in implementing live projects, but also to hold a preparatory session for the interview along with community outreach.
- The ultra-modern I.T laboratory is equipped with the latest infrastructure. Our laboratory is open 365 days a year. Students, at their discretion, may use the lab to complete projects and practice technical tasks
- Our classrooms are equipped with a state-of-the-art I.T infrastructure, such as projectors, racks, Wi-Fi
- We offer our students a room with a glass door and a discussion area (conference room) to enhance their learning and learning skills
- We also organize valuable seminars on personal development and presentation skills
- Our educational material includes ACTE’s student portal access to get the updated course materials, books and copies of didactic material in the form of PDF files, sample documents, Training videos, technical interviews and projects.
- Students attending the selenium Training in Trichy may also be located near hostels for their convenience
- We help students, at no cost, study, teaching materials, copies of PDF files, video training, sample questions for appropriate certification and interview questions, and lab guides that are available on our site for quick access and also life time access of student portal for course materials in all format
- Practical oriented domain specifically training is provided, to suit the needs of the industry Being a corporate training institute, at ACTE, training is provided at its corporate facility having state-of-the-art infrastructure
- Trainees at ACTE are provided with unlimited interview calls, untill the time they are placed.
- Add on training modules cover soft skills, communication skills, interview based training etc., to ensure the overall development of the trainees.
- Our trainers pay you individual attention.To improve students' knowledge of complex technical concepts are passed on through simple training We also Provide Internship for fresher’s with certification. Our certificates are recognized worldwide after the course ends
- We accept Master and Visa cards (debit and credit) as well as cash, checks and internet access in payment mode
Office Address
Branch Locations
ACTE Branches in Tamil Nadu are listed below and most popular locations where students / professionals are in just few Kilometers away from below mentioned locations lining up to get Selenium Training with us.- Selenium Training in Trichy
- Selenium Training in OMR
- Selenium Training in Thiruvanmiyur
- Selenium Training in Pudukkottai
- Selenium Training in Thanjavur
- Selenium Training in Maraimalai Nagar
- Selenium Training in Perambalur
- Selenium Training in Porur
- Selenium Training in Velachery
- Selenium Training in T.Nagar
- Selenium Training in Adyar
- Selenium Training in Karur
- Selenium Training in Namakkal
- Selenium Training in Tambaram
- Selenium Training in Kumbakonam
- Selenium Training in Siruseri
- Selenium Training in Anna Nagar
- Selenium Training in Pattukkottai