ACTE Specializes in Offering Real-Time Experience IT Training on AWS, Selenium, Hadoop, Java, DevOps, SAP, Data Science, Python, Digital Marketing, RPA, Oracle, Android, SAS, Microsoft, DotNet, AngularJs, Block Chain, Full Stack Developer, Apache Spark, Tableau, IOT, PHP, R programming, at Affordable Cost.
ACTE offers Oracle training in Chennai to enhance the skills in achieving the Oracle certification. According to the reviews over the internet, ACTE named as the Best Oracle training institute in Tiruvottiyur, Chennai. Our Oracle training are real-time and practical oriented will importantly expand your skill set. Most importantly our Oracle training and certification is framed as per latest industry standards. Provided that, Oracle Training with placement in Chennai, you will receiving 100% placement assistance from our placement team. Also personal skill development, resume building and updating the latest job opportunities in India.
Weekdays Regular (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
14-Oct-2024Starts Coming Monday ( Monday - Friday)08:00 AM (IST)
16-Oct-2024Starts Coming Wednesday ( Monday - Friday)10:00 AM (IST)
Weekend Regular (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session
12-Oct-2024Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday)10:00 AM (IST)
Weekend Fast-track (Class 6Hrs - 7Hrs) / Per Session
12-Oct-2024Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday)10:00 AM (IST)
Oracle SQL and PLSQL Training in tiruvottiyur
Oracle PLSQL developer course has gained a lot of popularity among developers in recent times. In addition to this, the training course carries a lot of trust and value for a bright career ahead. Students are very much interested in taking up this course. But as a learner it is important for you to check the quality of Oracle SQL and PLSQL course syllabus and training methods followed by the institute. Let’s assume, you have decided to take the Oracle PLSQL Training in Tiruvottiyur, Chennai, now at this point, your first priority should be in finding a trusted and reliable training institute. It should provide you both user-friendly and practical training.
Being a highly professional course, a huge number of candidates opt for the Oracle PLSQL developer course for various reasons. In this regard, it is recommended that the students should necessarily conduct research before settling up. This would help them to opt for the best OracleTraining course at Tiruvottiyur, Chennai with placement. This would give an assurance to each of the students that they not only avail the best Oracle PLSQL training in Chennai but also get placed once the course is completed. This, in turn, ensures a worthwhile investment of money, time as well as effort for the course.
Since oracle is the most demanded course there are lot of opportunities looking for a best and skilled Oracle PLSQL developer. We offer you the exclusive training to grab the attention of recruiters. Industries look for Oracle Developer, application developer, PLSQL Admin, oracle database engineer and much more. They provide the best Training with placement in Tiruvottiyur, Chennai.
Classroom Batch Training
One To One Training
Online Training
Customized Training
Key Features
ACTE Tiruvottiyur offers Oracle SQL and PLSQL Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,
40 Hours Course Duration
100% Job Oriented Training
Industry Expert Faculties
Free Demo Class Available
Completed 500+ Batches
Certification Guidance
Authorized Partners
ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (nie) Singapore.
Oracle SQL and PLSQL Course Syllabus at Tiruvottiyur ,Chennai
Module 1: Writing Basic SQL SELECT Statements
Basic SELECT Statement
Selecting All Columns
Selecting Specific Columns
Writing SQL Statements
Column Heading Defaults
Arithmetic Expressions
Using Arithmetic Operators
Operator Precedence
Using Parentheses
Defining a Null Value
Null Values in Arithmetic Expressions
Defining a Column Alias
Using Column Aliases
Concatenation Operator
Using the Concatenation Operator
Literal Character Strings
Using Literal Character Strings
Duplicate Rows
Eliminating Duplicate Rows
Module 2: Restricting and Sorting Data
Limiting Rows Using a Selection
Limiting the Rows Selected
Using the WHERE Clause
Character Strings and Dates
Comparison Conditions
Using Comparison Conditions
Other Comparison Conditions
Using the BETWEEN Condition
Using the IN Condition
Using the LIKE Condition
Using the NULL Conditions
Logical Conditions
Using the AND Operator
Using the OR Operator
Using the NOT Operator
Rules of Precedence
Sorting in Descending Order
Sorting by Column Alias
Sorting by Multiple Columns
Module 3: Single-Row Functions
SQL Function
Two Types of SQL Functions
Single-Row Functions
Single-Row Functions
Character Functions
Character Functions
Case Manipulation Functions
Using Case Manipulation Functions
Character-Manipulation Functions
Using the Character-Manipulation Functions
Number Functions
Using the ROUND Function
Using the TRUNC Function
Using the MOD Function
Working with Dates
Arithmetic with Dates
Using Arithmetic Operators with Dates
Date Functions
Using Date Functions
Practice 3, Part One:
Conversion Functions
Implicit Data Type Conversion
Explicit Data Type Conversion
Using the TO_CHAR Function with Dates
Elements of the Date Format Model
Using the TO_CHAR Function with Dates
Using the TO_CHAR Function with Numbers
Using the TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE Functions
RR Date Format
Example of RR Date Format
Nesting Functions
General Functions
NVL Function
Using the NVL Function
Using the NVL2 Function
Using the NULLIF Function
Using the COALESCE Function
Conditional Expressions
The CASE Expression
Using the CASE Expression
The DECODE Function
Using the DECODE Function
Module 4: Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
Obtaining Data from Multiple Tables
Cartesian Products
Generating a Cartesian Product
Types of Joins
Joining Tables Using Oracle Syntax
What is an Equijoin?
Retrieving Records with Equijoins
Additional Search Conditions Using the AND Operator
Qualifying Ambiguous Column Names
Using Table Aliases
Joining More than Two Tables
Retrieving Records with Non-Equijoins
Outer Joins Outer Joins Syntax
Using Outer Joins
Self Joins
Joining a Table to Itself
Joining Tables Using SQL: 1999 Syntax
Creating Cross Joins
Creating Natural Joins
Retrieving Records with Natural Joins
Creating Joins with the USING Clause
Retrieving Records with the USING Clause
Creating Joins with the ON Clause
Retrieving Records with the ON Clause
Creating Three-Way Joins with the ON Clause
INNER Versus OUTER Joins
Additional Conditions
Module 5: Aggregating Data Using Group Functions
What Are Group Functions?
Types of Group Functions
Group Functions Syntax
Using the AVG and SUM Functions
Using the MIN and MAX Functions
Using the COUNT Function
Using the DISTINCT Keyword
Group Functions and Null Values
Using the NVL Function with Group Functions
Creating Groups of Data
Creating Groups of Data: The GROUP BY Clause Syntax
Using the GROUP BY Clause
Grouping by More Than One Column
Using the GROUP BY Clause on Multiple Columns
Illegal Queries Using Group Functions
Excluding Group Results
Excluding Group Results: The HAVING Clause
Using the HAVING Clause
Nesting Group Functions
Module 6: Subqueries
Using a Subquery to Solve a Problem
Subquery Syntax
Using a Subquery
Guidelines for Using Subqueries
Types of Subqueries
Single-Row Subqueries
Executing Single-Row Subqueries
Using Group Functions in a Subquery
The HAVING Clause with Subqueries
What is Wrong with this Statement?
Will this Statement Return Rows?
Multiple-Row Subqueries
Using the ANY Operator in Multiple-Row Subqueries
Using the ALL Operator in Multiple-Row Subqueries
Null Values in a Subquery
Module 7: . Manipulating Data
Data Manipulation Language
Adding a New Row to a Table
The INSERT Statement Syntax 8-5
Inserting New Rows
Inserting Rows with Null Values
Inserting Special Values
Inserting Specific Date Values
Creating a Script
Copying Rows from Another Table
Changing Data in a Table
The UPDATE Statement Syntax
Updating Rows in a Table
Updating Two Columns with a Subquery
Updating Rows Based on Another Table
Updating Rows: Integrity Constraint Error
Removing a Row from a Table
The DELETE Statement
Deleting Rows from a Table
Deleting Rows Based on Another Table
Deleting Rows: Integrity Constraint Error
Using a Subquery in an INSERT Statement
Using the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements
Overview of the Explicit Default Feature
Using Explicit Default Values
The MERGE Statement
The MERGE Statement Syntax
Merging Rows
Database Transactions
Advantages of COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements
Controlling Transactions
Rolling Back Changes to a Marker
Implicit Transaction Processing
State of the Data Before COMMIT or ROLLBACK
State of the Data after COMMIT
Committing Data
State of the Data After ROLLBACK
Statement-Level Rollback
Read Consistency
Implementation of Read Consistency
Implicit Locking
Read Consistency Example
Module 8: Creating and Managing Tables
Database Objects
Naming Rules
The CREATE TABLE Statement
Referencing Another User?s Tables
The DEFAULT Option
Creating Tables
Tables in the Oracle Database
Querying the Data Dictionary 9-10
Data Types
DateTime Data Types
Creating a Table by Using a Subquery Syntax
Creating a Table by Using a Subquery
The ALTER TABLE Statement
Adding a Column
Modifying a Column
Dropping a Column
Dropping a Table
Changing the Name of an Object
Truncating a Table
Adding Comments to a Table
Module 9: Including Constraints
What are Constraints?
Constraint Guidelines
Defining Constraints
The NOT NULL Constraint
The UNIQUE Constraint
The PRIMARY KEY Constraint
The FOREIGN KEY Constraint
FOREIGN KEY Constraint Keywords
The CHECK Constraint
Adding a Constraint Syntax
Adding a Constraint
Dropping a Constraint
Disabling Constraints
Enabling Constraints
Cascading Constraints
Viewing Constraints
Viewing the Columns Associated with Constraints
Module 10: Creating Views
Database Objects
What is a View?
Why use Views?
Simple Views and Complex Views
Creating a View
Retrieving Data from a View
Querying a View
Modifying a View
Creating a Complex View
Rules for Performing DML Operations on a View
Using the WITH CHECK OPTION Clause
Denying DML Operations
Module 11: Other Database Objects
Database Objects
What is a Sequence?
The CREATE SEQUENCE Statement Syntax
Creating a Sequence
Confirming Sequences
NEXTVAL and CURRVAL Pseudocolumns
Using a Sequence
Modifying a Sequence
Guidelines for Modifying a Sequence
Removing a Sequence
What is an Index?
How Are Indexes Created?
Creating an Index
When to Create an Index
When Not to Create an Index
Confirming Indexes
Function-Based Indexes
Removing an Index
Creating and Removing Synonyms
Module 12: Controlling User Access
Controlling User Access
System Privileges
Creating Users
User System Privileges
Granting System Privileges
What is a Role?
Creating and Granting Privileges to a Role
Changing Your Password
Object Privileges
Granting Object Privileges
Using the WITH GRANT OPTION and PUBLIC Keywords
Confirming Privileges Granted
How to Revoke Object Privileges
Revoking Object Privileges
Database Links
Module 13: SQL Workshop
Workshop Overview
Module 14: Using SET Operators
The SET Operators
Tables Used in This Lesson
The UNION Operator
Using the UNION Operator
The UNION ALL Operator
Using the UNION ALL Operator
The INTERSECT Operator
Using the INTERSECT Operator
The MINUS Operator
SET Operator Guidelines
The Oracle Server and SET Operators
Matching the SELECT Statements
Controlling the Order of Rows
Module 15: Enhancements to the GROUP BY Clause
Review of Group Functions
Review of the GROUP BY Clause
Review of the HAVING Clause
GROUP BY with ROLLUP and CUBE Operators
ROLLUP Operator
ROLLUP Operator Example
CUBE Operator
CUBE Operator: Example
GROUPING Function: Example
Composite Columns
Composite Columns: Example
Concatenated Groupings
Concatenated Groupings Example
Module 16: Advanced Subqueries
What Is a Subquery?
Using a Subquery
Multiple-Column Subqueries
Column Comparisons
Pairwise Comparison Subquery
Nonpairwise Comparison Subquery
Using a Subquery in the FROM Clause
Scalar Subquery Expressions
Scalar Subqueries: Examples
Correlated Subqueries
Using Correlated Subqueries
Using the EXISTS Operator
Using the NOT EXISTS Operator
Correlated UPDATE
Correlated DELETE
The WITH Clause
WITH Clause: Example
Hierarchical Retrieval
Sample Data from the EMPLOYEES Table
Natural Tree Structure
Module 17: Hierarchical Queries
Walking the Tree
Walking the Tree: From the Bottom Up
Walking the Tree: From the Top Down
Ranking Rows with the LEVEL Pseudocolumn
Formatting Hierarchical Reports Using LEVEL and LPAD
Pruning Branches
Module 18: Extensions to DML and DDL Statements
Review of the INSERT Statement
Review of the UPDATE Statement
Overview of Multitable INSERT Statements
Overview of Multitable INSERT Statements
Types of Multitable INSERT Statements
Multitable INSERT Statements
Unconditional INSERT ALL
Conditional INSERT ALL
Conditional FIRST INSERT
Pivoting INSERT
External Tables
Creating an External Table
Example of Creating an External Table
Querying External Tables
Module 19: Creating and Running PL/SQL Code
Performing Essential PL/SQL Tasks
Calling PL/SQL from Other Languages
Language Fundamentals
PL/SQL Block Structure
The PL/SQL Character Set
The Semicolon Delimiter
The PRAGMA Keyword
Module 20: Loop Basics
The Simple Loop
The WHILE Loop
The Numeric FOR Loop
The Cursor FOR Loop
Loop Labels
Tips for Iterative Processing
Module 21: Exception Handlers
Exception-Handling Concepts and Terminology
Defining Exceptions
Raising Exceptions
Handling Exceptions
Building an Effective Error Management Architecture
Making the Most of PL/SQL Error Management
Module 22 : Strings
String Datatypes
Working with Strings
String Function Quick Reference
Module 23: Numbers
Numeric Datatypes
Number Conversions
Numeric Functions
Module 24: Records
Records in PL/SQL
Module 25: Collections
Collections Overview
Collection Methods (Built-Ins)
Working with Collections
Nested Table Multiset Operations
Module 26: Miscellaneous Datatypes
The BOOLEAN Datatype
The RAW Datatype
The UROWID and ROWID Datatypes
The LOB Datatypes
Working with LOBs
Predefined Object Types
Module 27: Data Retrieval
Cursor Basics
Working with Implicit Cursors
Working with Explicit Cursors
Cursor Variables and REF CURSORs
Cursor Expressions
Module 28: Procedures, Functions, and Parameters
Local Modules
Module Overloading
Forward Declarations
Advanced Topics
Module 29: Packages
Why Packages?
Rules for Building Packages
Rules for Calling Packaged Elements
Working with Package Data
When to Use Packages
Packages and Object Types
Module 30: Triggers
DML Triggers
DDL Triggers
Database Event Triggers
Maintaining Triggers
Module 31: Managing PL/SQL Code
Managing Code in the Database
Using Native Compilation
Using the Optimizing Compiler and Compile-Time Warnings
Conditional Compilation
Testing PL/SQL Programs
Debugging PL/SQL Programs
Tuning PL/SQL Programs
Protecting Stored Code
Module 32: I/O and PL/SQL
Displaying Information
Reading and Writing Files
Sending Email
Working with Web-Based Data (HTTP)
Other Types of I/O Available in PL/SQL
aCTE Chennai offers placement opportunities as add-on to every student / professional who completed our classroom or online training. Some of our students are working in these companies listed below.
We are associated with top organizations like HCL, Wipro, Dell, accenture, Google, CTS, TCS; IBM etc. It make us capable to place our students in top MNCs across the globe
We have separate student’s portals for placement, here you will get all the interview schedules and we notify you through Emails.
after completion of 70% Oracle SQL and PLSQL training course content, we will arrange the interview calls to students & prepare them to F2F interaction
Oracle SQL and PLSQL Trainers assist students in developing their resume matching the current industry needs
We have a dedicated Placement support team wing that assist students in securing placement according to their requirements
We will schedule Mock Exams and Mock Interviews to find out the GaP in Candidate Knowledge
Our ACTE Chennai Reviews are listed here. Reviews of our students who completed their training with us and left their reviews in public portals and our primary website of ACTE & Video Reviews.
1 day ago
Its a very good institution providing excellent training on the latest courses which are in demand in the IT sector. Oracle SQL & PLSQL courses are taught by Prasanna Sir from scratch and it can clearly be understood by the students. Overall its a fantastic institution providing great knowledge and placement opportunities.
1 day ago
An individual who is sincerely interested in acquiring the knowledge on real-time database management , then a visit to this ACTE institute @ Velachery is a must.
Training is provided based on current real time requirements in the corporate world.
3 days ago
Excellent Training! I attended the Oracle SQL & PLSQL training from ACTE technologies. Chetan sir well experienced and has great teaching skills. The whole training was well planned and organized. I gained a lot of confidence to attend interviews after the training.
5 days ago
I had joined ACTE in Velachery 3 months back for Oracle SQL & PLSQL, Prasad sir teaches really well, he makes the session really interactive and he explains topics with real time scenarios which helps us to understand each transformation in detail and the implementation becomes simpler. He has in-depth knowledge of the subject.
5 days ago
Good institute of ACTE...there are many people I seen getting job after immediate course completion...they offer many courses,But i did Oracle SQL & PLSQL course..visit once before joining any other institute...all the best
Tambaram Reviews
1 day ago
Excellent teaching skills, good faculties, Chetan Sir way of teaching is awesome and easy to understand the concepts, real time examples are more relevant, location of institution is good. This is the right place to learn Oracle SQL & PLSQL course in ACTE @ Tambaram.
2 days ago
I had such a great experience in ACTE institute it's not just one side teaching there's a lot of two way interaction and I got a learn so much with real time scenarios. The teachers here are so friendly we can get to attend classes very flexibly.
2 days ago
I have joined this institution for learning Oracle SQL & PLSQL course, Prasad sir teaching is very good, he explains all the topics by giving real time examples and give real time logic to work in the tool, it helped me a lot and thank you very much for your support Prasad sir and ACTE institude.
3 days ago
I am really happy and satisfied learning Oracle SQL & PLSQL in ACTE under the guidance of Prasad Sir. He is very friendly person with high technical knowledge and skills, explaining topics with real time scenarios which helps me to understand the concepts easily. Thank you Prasad sir for your continuous support and motivation. I would strongly recommend ACTE to all those who wants to build their career in Oracle SQL & PLSQL.
5 days ago
As I am a student of ACTE institude @ Tambaram, I am very grateful to all the faculties of ACTE Institude who provided such quality training in Oracle SQL & PLSQL, ACTE Institude is a very reliable and genuine institute with ample of opportunities for you, you just need to focus and work very hard, and you will surely get placed. Thanks to ACTE institude!
OMR Reviews
1 day ago
It's the best institute to learn Oracle SQL & PLSQL and enhance your skillset. Sir(Mr. Prasad) teaches very well explains every senerio in detail. I would recommend ACTE institute for the people who wants to learn and get full conceptual as well as practical knowledge for Oracle SQL & PLSQL.
2 day ago
I'm 100% satisfied with the theoretical and practical classes.The trainers explained each and every bit of details; like how Oracle SQL & PLSQL process a job/transformations. I'll recommend ACTE institute, if someone like to learn Oracle SQL & PLSQL. I have attended both online and offline class in ACTE @ Omr
3 days ago
Thank you very much for your great support in ACTE trainers in omr. The way of teaching is very good, he explains all the topics by giving real time examples and give real time logic to work in the tool. Most importantly very flexible with the session timings
Prem kumar
3 days ago
I joined ACTE for Oracle SQL & PLSQL training. Prasad sir is very knowledgeable and he is the best mentor you can have. He explains each and every concept deeply with the help of practicals and real time examples. He keeps everyone involved and makes learning fun. Thank you sir.
5 days ago
This ACTE institude omr was an amazing experience and prasad sir is really good in explaining each topic briefly.What i really like about this training, is an end to end exposure for whole process in step-wise manner. Plus clear notes with recorded session really make it lot easier for any student to go back and refer the topic of Oracle SQL & PLSQL.
Annanagar Reviews
1 day ago
One of the best institute to learn Oracle SQL & PLSQL.Prasad sir is very good In explaining the concepts with the real time examples.He explained each and every transformation in detail.The way he is explaining is very good.If any one want to learn Oracle SQL & PLSQL I must suggest ACTE Anna nagar.
2 days ago
I am very much satisfied with his training. Prasad sir is a good mentor. He has hands on in Oracle SQL & PLSQL which made classes more on real time basis then just theoretical. It's worth your time and money.
3 days ago
To be frank, the teaching from trainers was too good as he made complex things very easy to understand in a simpler manner and also the Assignments which was given and also made to be executed in the class, is more than enough to learn Oracle SQL & PLSQL in month. I would be glad to refer anyone for ACTE @ Anna nagar.
5 days ago
Hi...ACTE is one of best institution to learn Oracle SQL & PLSQL.we can get more knowledge and teaching quality is very good..trainers are well experienced and classes are very interactive and they explain with real time examples...
5 days ago
Best institute for Oracle SQL & PLSQL course. I am an employee in TCS and interested in learning Oracle SQL & PLSQL , joined the institute, attend the practicals, Interview questions, Case studies and got placed in CGI with 60% hike.Thanks to the mentor Mr.Prasad and ACTE.
Porur Reviews
1 day ago
I Joined in ACTE Porur chennai with ‘0’ knowledge but today it’s completely different. Now With confidence I can say that gained worth full knowledge about complete tool through practical experience.The manner in which it was taught was effortless.
3 days ago
The concepts are explained with a lot of clarity, Plenty of notes are provided for each and every topic in a manner that is easy to understand.The trainers are very knowledgeable and approachable.I am currently going through the Oracle SQL & PLSQL course and I highly recommend in this ACTE institute.
3 days ago
It was an amazing experience and prasad sir is really good in explaining each topic briefly.What i really like about this training, is an end to end exposure for whole process in step-wise manner.Plus clear notes with recorded session really make it lot easier for any student to go back and refer the topic of Oracle SQL & PLSQL.
4 days ago
ACTE is best institute for learning Oracle SQL & PLSQL.
Chetan sir is teaching superbly. He is very helpful and clears each and every doubts. This institute also provides good placement in top MNC’s..
5 days ago
Had a great experience with ACTE institute.I am very thankful to Prasad sir for the way of teaching Oracle SQL & PLSQL concepts, clearing doubts and providing strong foundation for the basics.Great place to learn new things from the scratch with recordings available for later use
ACTE basically offers the Classroom training and online instructor-led training. Apart from that, we also provide corporate training for enterprises. We believe in practical learning. Our training mode is majorly practical and has proven to benefit our candidates. We help our candidates by assisting them to work on real time projects that would aid them improve their skill sets and would enhance their ability not just from an exam perspective but also from a working point of view.
Because it is used in the Oracle database, and the Oracle database is a fixture of enterprise systems world-wide, it will outlive you. High-performance batch processing has to happen close to the data, so PL/SQL will continue to rule in this area.
PL/Scope is a tool that gathers information about user defined identifiers in PL/SQL code at compile time. Most users will view the PL/Scope data via a PL/SQL IDE, such as SQL Developer.
Yes, Oracle is a popular database for enterprise applications and PL/SQL is a nice skill . If you want to be a Database or Data Science guy, this is the best thing you are PL/SQL training is designed to give the students hands-on exposure to enhance.
Yes, you get two kinds of discounts. They are group discount and referral discount. Group discount is offered when you join as a group, and referral discount is offered when you are referred from someone who has already enrolled in our training.
Once you enrolled for Online Training, You will be able to access the Course Material for lifetime. Not only Course Material, Recorded Sessions, Top MNC Interview questions.
All of our highly qualified trainers are industry experts with at least 10-12 years of relevant teaching experience. Each of them has gone through a rigorous selection process that includes profile screening, technical evaluation, and a training demo before they are certified to train for us. We also ensure that only those trainers with a high alumni rating remain on our faculty for data science online training.