AI and Deep Learning Training in Siruseri

☑ Beginner & Advanced level Classes.
☑ AI and Deep Learning course includes Introduction to Data Science & Python, Python Basics, Python Package, Importing Data , Manipulating data , Artificial Intelligence, etc..,
☑ Hands-On Learning in Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
☑ Best Practice for interview Preparation Techniques in Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
☑ Lifetime Access for Student’s Portal, Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question.
☑ Affordable Fees with Best curriculum Designed by Industrial Expert.
☑ Delivered by 10+ years of Certified Expert | 13710+ Students Trained & 350+ Recruiting Clients.
☑ Next Batch to Begin this week – Enroll your Name Now!

Batch Schedule

Weekdays Regular (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session

  • 10-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Monday ( Monday - Friday) 08:00 AM (IST)
  • 12-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Wednesday ( Monday - Friday) 10:00 AM (IST)

Weekend Regular (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session

  • 15-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday) 10:00 AM (IST)

Weekend Fast-track (Class 6Hrs - 7Hrs) / Per Session

  • 16-Feb-2025 Starts Coming Saturday ( Saturday - Sunday) 10:00 AM (IST)

AI and Deep Learning Training in Siruseri

The AI (Artificial Intelligence)& Deep Training Pro-degree, in association with IBM as the EdTech Partner, is a first-of-its-kind 145+ hour certification course providing in-depth exposure to Data Science, Machine and Deep Learning. The rigorous industry-aligned curriculum offers comprehensive understanding of Python and Data Science for careers in Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The program also features seven industry projects, numerous case studies and periodic interaction with industry leaders in the Machine Learning ecosystem. AI & Deep Training in Siruseri, Chennai.

ACTE can guide to untill you receive the completion certification AI & Deep Training Institute with placements at Siruseri, Chennai. In pan india we have 25 Branches specially in metropolis ACTE institute have seven Branches. Each and every topic square measure attending to be coated in mostly wise methodology with real time examples. Duration of classes for fashion designer (2-3)months.

ACTE institute trainer square measure getting to be handled in either weekday or weekends programme depends on candidate demand. we have a tendency to tend to try to to offers for AI & Deep course at Siruseri, Chennai. The program builds a solid foundation by covering the most popular and widely used deep learning technologies and its applications, including Computer Vision, Convoluted and Recurrent Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Tensor Flow and even Keras–laying the building blocks for truly expanded capabilities.

  • Classroom Batch Training
  • One To One Training
  • Online Training
  • Customized Training

Key Features

ACTE Siruseri offers AI and Deep Learning Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,
  • 40 Hours Course Duration
  • 100% Job Oriented Training
  • Industry Expert Faculties
  • Free Demo Class Available
  • Completed 500+ Batches
  • Certification Guidance

Authorized Partners

ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS .


Artificial Intelligence(AL) & Deep Learning Course Syllabus at Siruseri ,Chennai Module 1: Introduction to Data Science
  • What is Data Science?
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • What is Deep Learning?
  • What is AI?
  • Data Analytics & it’s types
Module 2: Introduction to Python
  • What is Python?
  • Why Python?
  • Installing Python
  • Python IDEs
  • Jupyter Notebook Overview
Module 3: Python Basics
  • Python Basic Data types
  • Lists
  • Slicing
  • IF statements
  • Loops
  • Dictionaries
  • Tuples
  • Functions
  • Array
  • Selection by position & Labels
Module 4: Python Packages
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Sci-kit Learn
  • Mat-plot library
Module 5: Importing Data
  • Reading CSV files
  • Saving in Python data
  • Loading Python data objects
  • Writing data to csv file
Module 6: Manipulating Data
  • Selecting rows/observations
  • Rounding Number
  • Selecting columns/fields
  • Merging data
  • Data aggregation
  • Data munging techniques
Module 7: Statistics Basics
  • Central TendencyMeanMedianMode Skewness Normal Distribution
  • Probability BasicsWhat does mean by probability?Types of ProbabilityODDS Ratio?
  • Standard DeviationData deviation & distributionVariance
  • Bias variance Trade offUnderfittingOverfitting
  • Distance metricsEuclidean DistanceManhattan Distance
  • Outlier analysisWhat is an Outlier?Inter Quartile RangeBox & whisker plot Upper Whisker Lower Whisker Scatter plot Cook’s Distance
  • Missing Value treatmentWhat is a NA?Central ImputationKNN imputation Dummification
  • CorrelationPearson correlationPositive & Negative correlation
Module 8: Error Metrics
  • Classification
  • Confusion Matrix
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • Specificity
  • F1 Score
  • Regression
  • MSE
  • RMSE
  • MAPE
Module 9: Machine Learning
  • Supervised LearningLinear RegressionLinear EquationSlope Intercept R square value Logistic regression ODDS ratio Probability of success Probability of failure Bias Variance Tradeoff ROC curve Bias Variance Tradeoff
  • Unsupervised LearningK-MeansK-Means ++Hierarchical Clustering
  • SVMSupport VectorsHyperplanes2-D Case Linear Hyperplane
  • SVM KernalLinearRadialpolynomial
  • Other Machine Learning algorithmsK – Nearest NeighbourNaïve Bayes ClassifierDecision Tree – CART Decision Tree – C50 Random Forest
  • AI IntroductionPerceptronMulti-Layer perceptronMarkov Decision Process Logical Agent & First Order Logic AL Applications
Module 11: Deep Learning Algorithms
  • CNN – Convolutional Neural Network
  • RNN – Recurrent Neural Network
  • ANN – Artificial Neural Network
  • Introduction to NLPText Pre-processingNoise RemovalLexicon Normalization Lemmatization Stemming Object Standardization
  • Text to Features (Feature Engineering)Syntactical ParsingDependency GrammarPart of Speech Tagging Entity Parsing Named Entity Recognition Topic Modelling N-Grams TF – IDF Frequency / Density Features Word Embedding’s
  • Tasks of NLPText ClassificationText MatchingLevenshtein Distance Phonetic Matching Flexible String Matching
Module 12: Design Effective Reports
  • Enhance report design
  • Add report objects to enhance design
  • Format data and report objects
  • Add a background image to a report
  • Add row numbers to a report
Module 13: Customize Reports with Conditional Formatting
  • Create multi-lingual reports
  • Highlight exceptional data
  • Show and hide data
  • Conditionally render objects in reports
Module 14: Analysis Studio
  • Analysis Studio Fundamentals
  • Nest Data in Crosstabs in Analysis Studio
  • Create Analysis with Multiple filter
  • Reusable analysis
  • Build Advanced Crosstabs in Analysis Studio
  • Focus with Filters in Analysis Studio
  • Creating reports from cubes
  • Drill down and drill up
Module 15: Event Studio
  • Introduction to Event Studio
  • Create an agent
  • Add tasks to an agent
  • Run an agent through its lifecycle
  • Schedule an agent
Module 16: Business Insight
  • Introdcution to Dashboards
  • Create Dashboard
  • Types of Filter-Value, Slider and advanced filter
  • Overview of RSS Feed and web Page
  • Content Pane
  • Create Widgets
  • Sort, Filter and Calculate data
  • Hands on
Module 17: Business Insight Advanced
  • Overview of Business Intelligence Advance level
  • Create Different types of Reports
  • Reporting Styles and filters
  • Create dashboard objects
  • Summarize data and Create Calculations
  • Dispatcher and Services
Module 18: Dispatcher in detail
  • All Services
  • Properties of Services


ACTE Chennai offers Placement opportunities as add-on to every student / professional who completed our classroom or online training. Some of our students are working in these companies listed below.
  • We are associated with top organizations like HCL, Wipro, Dell, accenture, Google, CTS, TCS; IBM etc. It make us capable to place our students in top MNCs across the globe
  • We have separate student’s portals for Placement, here you will get all the interview schedules and we notify you through Emails.
  • after completion of 70% AI and Deep Learning training course content, we will arrange the interview calls to students & prepare them to F2F interaction
  • AI and Deep Learning Trainers assist students in developing their resume matching the current industry needs
  • We have a dedicated Placement support team wing that assist students in securing Placement according to their requirements
  • We will schedule Mock Exams and Mock Interviews to find out the GaP in Candidate Knowledge


Our ACTE Chennai Reviews are listed here. Reviews of our students who completed their training with us and left their reviews in public portals and our primary website of ACTE & Video Reviews.

Velachery Reviews



1 day ago Krishna Sir is excellent. Amazing training and support provided both by the trainer and support staff for preparing for the exam to filling your application and i have done AI and Deep Learning course here. ACTE is excellent training institute @ Velachery


2 days ago Its very nice institute to study .Its unique and easy to understand concepts of AI and Deep Learning. It is simple to learn in this institude. As well as machine learning concepts are very good .Everything made easy by ACTE.


3 days ago Very good ACTE institute to improve your skills. Topics are covered in detail with thorough insights on minute details. Each doubts are cleared in AI and Deep Learning course.


5 days ago I have completed AI and Deep Learning training from ACTE. The training logistics were sufficient. Training was given by Mr.Krishna sir who has a good command on the subject. He has interactive style of teaching coupled with real life examples that helps understand the concept easily.


5 days ago I joined ACTE Institute Velachery based on reviews and I feel now that i made good decision. Krishna Sir Provides all the necessary notes for AI and Deep Learning, real time scenarios that makes easy to understand concepts. I am happy with the way he has shared his knowledge and experience..

Tambaram Reviews



1 day ago Also they are keen to help us not only through online classes but also through WhatsApp chats , filling the application form and many other suggestions they will provide you to help you to clear with the AI and Deep Learning concepts.ACTE is the best institude at Tambaram.


2 days ago Best ACTE training institute for AI and Deep Learningin chennai. Sachin and Krishna sir are brilliant in explaining topics releated to AI and Deep Learning.There indepth knowledge in AI and Deep Learning make them very special in this subject.Thanks !! ☺


2 days ago My experience with ACTE was awesome.Staff is really helpful .. Special thanks to Krishna for covering all the knowledge areas and processes so well ?


3 days ago It is a very good training center they thought AI and Deep Learning completly from basics and take care and attantion on each and every student and teach them upto their understanding level. I feel very happy to be trained in ACTE institude in Tambaram.


5 days ago I have done AI and Deep Learning training from ACTE chennai. It's a Great learning from the trainer Mr. Krishna and the live examples given on each kowledge area are very benificial. I would recommend the aspiring ones to take up training from ACTE.

OMR Reviews



1 day ago ACTE is a good institute to build your carrier if your miss the training I mean your expected way or your dream goals is the better option to rebuild your carrier in IT. Krishna sir is the best trainer for AI and Deep Learning. I suggest this institute is best if your planning to build your career in AI and Deep Learning.


1 day ago Hi , anu here.I have attended online AI and Deep Learning sessions delivered by Mr. Krishna. All the sessions were very interactive and the trainers has best knowledge on the Project . He also provided examples from day today cases for every concept . Overall Training was great. Thanks ACTE @ Omr


4 days ago Real time scenarios are explained along with hand full of assignments. Explanation of the topics are done very clearly and in easy manner so that the person without any background knowledge will also be able to follow up on the topics of AI and Deep Learning Personal attention is payed to each and every student. Fun loving and friendly environment at class as they are not over crowded in ACTE Omr


4 days ago I have attended the demo classes of ACTE institude. Most complex topics were taught with examples.An interactive session by Krishna Sir. Learnt a lot.Thanks Sir for the guidance and support for AI and Deep Learning course.


5 days ago Awesome Place to Gain Knowledge in ACTE institude Omr. This is BEST Institution For who are all want to study IT Courses like Al & Deep Learning,And also Best Trainer krishna sir. He taking the Class From Basic So, You Can Easily Understand the concepts.

Annanagar Reviews



1 day ago I did my AI and Deep Learning course here... Very good training center.... The trainers are excellent here and very knowledgeable and has good source materials to learn from ACTE @ Anna nagar.


2 days ago ACTE is best institute for learning Krishna sir is teaching superbly AI and Deep Learning. He is very helpful and clears each and every doubts. This institute also provides good placement in top MNC’s..


2 days ago Training was really good with most of the concepts AI and Deep Learning covered along with real time examples.Doubts were clarified and also they'll provide interview questions...


5 days ago Excellent Training! I attended the AI and Deep Learning training from ACTE Anna nagar. krishna sir well experienced and has great teaching skills. The whole training was well planned and organized. I gained a lot of confidence to attend interviews after the training.


5 days ago Faculty is highly knowledgeable, experienced and possess high exposure. He answered all queries with lot of patience.AI and Deep Learning Course got completed on time as promised. One of the best faculty I have ever seen.

Porur Reviews



1 day ago It was an amazing experience. I learnt so much in such a short time. The krishna sir and the rest of the staff were friendly and helpful at all times. I am glad I took the decision to do the AI and Deep Learning course in ACTE Porur


2 days ago AI and Deep Learning course I had learned in your institute will be very much useful for me to improve my programing skills. Now,i get much more better confident in my soft skills.Thank u ACTE


3 days ago An individual who is sincerely interested in acquiring the knowledge on real-time AI & Deep Learning,then a visit to ACTE institute @ Porur is a must. Training is provided based on current real time requirements in the corporate world.


5 days ago I had done a AI and Deep Learning course from ACTE, they are having very experienced staff and having lots of teaching techniques with practical examples and helps us to find our errors and teach us the coding standard


5 days ago Hi...ACTE @Porur is one of best institution to learn AI and Deep Learning course.we can get more knowledge and teaching quality is very good..trainers are well experienced and classes are very interactive and they explain with real time examples...

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The minimum requirement for an AI and Deep Learning Training is a bachelor’s degree — preferably in a subject like computer science, information technology, or computer information systems. These degree programs typically cover topics along the lines of data structure and mining, distributed systems, web page applications, and database management.
  • ACTE is offering the 24/7 query resolution and you can raise your doubts with the dedicated support team anytime. You can also avail the email support for all your queries. One-to-one sessions with the trainers is also available for doubt clarification. Another benefit of ACTE is you can ask for support even after completion of the training. We also do not put a limit for students to raise doubt when it comes to query resolution and doubt clearance.
  • "You will never miss a lecture at ACTE! You can choose either of the two options:
  • View the recorded session of the class available in your LMS.
  • You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch."
  • ACTE Job Assistance program will help you land in your dream job by sharing your resume to potential recruiters and assisting you with resume building, preparing you for interview questions. ACTE training should not be regarded either as a job placement service or as a guarantee for employment as the entire employment process will take part between the learner and the recruiter companies directly and the final selection is always dependent on the recruiter.
  • Online Training
  • Classroom training
  • One-one training
  • Self-paced training
  • ACTE provides real-world projects as part of the training program that is updated and most relevant one. This kind of project will help you to implement the learning that you acquired in a real-world industry setup. All training comes with multiple projects that thoroughly test your skills, learning and practical knowledge thus making you completely industry-ready. You will work on highly exciting projects in the domains of high technology, ecommerce, marketing, sales, networking, banking, insurance, etc. Upon successful completion of the projects your skills will be considered equal to six months of rigorous industry experience.
  • Those who enroll for AI and Deep Learning Training training at ACTE will be provided with offline and online materials that can be accessed from anywhere around the globe. On the Successful completion of the course everyone is provided with an internationally recognized certificate and We send our candidates for interviews until placed.
  • You will receive ACTE Technology Globally recognized course completion certificate.
  • We train professionals and nonprofessionals who have a keen eye to jump into AI and Deep Learning Training and take it as part of their career to reach the next level.
  • Once you complete the ACTE training program along with all the real-world projects, quizzes and assignments and upon scoring at least 60% marks in the qualifying exam; you will be awarded the ACTE verified certification. This certificate is very well recognized in ACTE affiliate organizations which include over 80 top MNCs from around the world which are also part of the Fortune 500 list of companies.
  • ACTE has several branches across the city and the candidate can enroll themselves on the one which is most convenient to them. Our entire branch contains well expert trainers for training you.
  • ACTE Has separate placement cells for placing completed candidate. ACTE actively provides placement assistance to all learners who have successfully completed the training. For this we are exclusively tied-up with over 80 top MNCs from around the world. This way you can be placed in outstanding organizations. We also help you with the job interview and résumé preparation part as well.
  • All trainers at ACTE have 12+ years of relevant industry experience and they have been actively working as consultants in the same domain making them subject matter experts.
  • You can definitely make the switch from self-paced to online instructor-led training by simply paying the extra amount and joining the next batch of the training which shall be notified to you specifically.
  • Weekend Training Batch (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
  • Regular Batch (Morning, Afternoon & Evening)
  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
  • Fast Track Batch
  • Seats Available : 5 (maximum)
  • Online Training (Flexible timing)
  • Seats Available : One to One (or) 3 (maximum)

Trainers Profile

AI and Deep Learning Trainers are
  • Our AI and Deep Learning Training in Siruseri, Chennai. Trainers are certified professionals with 7+ years of experience in their respective domain as well as they are currently working with Top MNCs.
  • As all Trainers are AI and Deep Learning domain working professionals so they are having many live projects, trainers will use these projects during training sessions.
  • All our Trainers are working with companies such as Cognizant, Dell, Infosys, Mainframe Administrator, L&T InfoTech, TCS, HCL Technologies, etc.
  • Trainers are also help candidates to get placed in their respective company by Employee Referral / Internal Hiring process.
  • Our trainers are industry-experts and subject specialists who have mastered on running applications providing Best AI and Deep Learning training to the students.
  • We have received various prestigious awards for AI and Deep Learning Training in Siruseri, Chennai from recognized IT organizations.

Top Reason

  • We are a unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS & National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore.
  • AI & Deep Learning Training in Siruseri, Chennai is designed according to the current IT industry
  • We offer the best AI & Deep Learning Training in Siruseri, Chennai, covering all course modules during AI & Deep Learning Classes. In addition, students take AI & Deep Learning Courses in Siruseri, Chennai through job assistance
  • The AI & Deep Learning Training in Siruseri, Chennai is scheduled on weekdays, weekends and online Training . In addition, students can choose a customized schedule according to requirements
  • ACTE has got a collaboration 500+ MNCs and MLCs from the industry, that helps the trainees during their placement.
  • Our team of instructors are industry experts with more than ten years of training experience.
  • Mentors train AI & Deep Learning Training in Siruseri, Chennai not only to assist students in implementing live projects, but also to hold a preparatory session for the interview along with community outreach.
  • The ultra-modern I.T laboratory is equipped with the latest infrastructure. Our laboratory is open 365 days a year. Students, at their discretion, may use the lab to complete projects and practice technical tasks
  • Our classrooms are equipped with a state-of-the-art I.T infrastructure, such as projectors, racks, Wi-Fi
  • We offer our students a room with a glass door and a discussion area (conference room) to enhance their learning and learning skills
  • We also organize valuable seminars on personal development and presentation skills
  • Our educational material includes ACTE’s student portal access to get the updated course materials, books and copies of didactic material in the form of PDF files, sample documents, Training videos, technical interviews and projects.
  • Students attending the AI & Deep Learning Training in Siruseri, Chennai may also be located near hostels for their convenience
  • We help students, at no cost, study, teaching materials, copies of PDF files, video training, sample questions for appropriate certification and interview questions, and lab guides that are available on our site for quick access and also life time access of student portal for course materials in all format
  • Practical oriented domain specifically training is provided, to suit the needs of the industry Being a corporate training institute, at ACTE, training is provided at its corporate facility having state-of-the-art infrastructure
  • Trainees at ACTE are provided with unlimited interview calls, untill the time they are placed.
  • Add on training modules cover soft skills, communication skills, interview based training etc., to ensure the overall development of the trainees.
  • Our trainers pay you individual attention.To improve students' knowledge of complex technical concepts are passed on through simple trainingWe also Provide Internship for fresher’s with certification. Our certificates are recognized worldwide after the course ends
  • We accept Master and Visa cards (debit and credit) as well as cash, checks and internet access in payment mode
  • Office Address

    ACTE Branches in Chennai are listed here. And most popular locations where students / professionals are lining up to get trained with us.
    ACTE Velachery No 1A, Sai Adhithya Building, Taramani Link Road, Velachery. Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600042 Landmark: Velachery Main Bus Stand & Next to Athipathi Hospital 8925913391 / 8925913392
    ACTE Tambaram No : 31, Alagesan Street, West Tambaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600045 Landmark: (Backside Tambaram Main Bus Stand & Near Railway Station) 8925913395 / 8925913396
    ACTE OMR No 5/337, 2nd Floor, Vinayaga Avenue, Oggiyamduraipakkam, OMR, Near Cognizant & Oggiyamduraipakkam Bus Stop, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600096 8925913389 / 8925913390
    ACTE Porur No 100/5, 1st Floor, Trunk Road, Lakshmi Nagar, Porur, Chennai - 600 116 Landmark: (Next to Saravana Store) 8925913397 / 8925913398
    ACTE Anna Nagar53-K, 1st Floor, W-Block, 4th Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040 Landmark: (Opp to: Kandasamy College / Roundana) 8925913393 / 8925913394
    ACTE T. Nagar,No.136, Habibullah Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600 017 8925913393 / 8925913394
    ACTE AdyarNo.59, Second Street, Padmanabha Nagar, Adyar,Chennai - 600 020 8925913391 / 8925913392
    ACTE Thiruvanmiyur 81, Lattice Bridge Road,(Kalki Krishnamoorthy Salai) Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai,Tamil Nadu 600041 Landmark - Opposite to Jeyanthi Theatre 8925913391 / 8925913392
    ACTE Maraimalai Nagar No. 51, Thiruvalluvar Salai,NH-1, Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai - 603209 8925913389 / 8925913390
    ACTE Siruseri No. 851, Sathya Dev Avenue Extn Street, OMR Road, Egatoor, Navallur, Siruseri Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600130 8925913389 / 8925913390
  • 1

    Branch Locations

    ACTE Branches in Chennai are listed below and most popular locations where students / professionals are in just few Kilometers away from below mentioned locations lining up to get AI and Deep Learning Training with us.
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Anna Nagar
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Kelambakkam
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Tambaram
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Porur
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Kalpakkam
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Velachery
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Kanathur
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in OMR
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Siruseri
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Medavakkam
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in T.Nagar
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Pallikaranai
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Adyar
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Thiruvanmiyur
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Vandalur
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Sithalapakkam
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Maraimalai Nagar
    • AI and Deep Learning Training in Thiruporur